• Rockaway Retreat House (map)
  • 164 Beach 91st Street
  • Rockaway Beach NY, 11693
  • United States

Join Catherine Mcquaid of Celestial Healing Arts for a deep dive into the astrology of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo.  We will discuss Mercury as a planet, Mercury in the zodiac sign of Virgo and Mercury Retrograde.  We will take the time to quickly look at where Mercury is in your own natal chart, where Virgo lands in your natal chart and what that might mean as well as how you might be impacted by this Mercury Retrograde.   Join for a fun night ON Mercury’s day, Wednesday August 16th at 7pm at the beautiful Rockaway Retreat House.

Please email: celestialhealingartsnyc@gmail.com with your Birth time, location and date so that Catherine can have a printed chart for you. Please feel free to email her with any questions you may have or to schedule a private session.

$33.00. Venmo to Book

Catherine Mcquaid has been a licensed massage therapist for the last 18 years with a BS/MS in Health Sciences and runs a thriving private practice at The Castle Rockaway in NY.  Through her studies in energetic therapies (Reiki Level 4 master, craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, accupressure, somatic therapy) she has developed her own energetic healing, Psychic Visualization.  She is a graduate of Oraculos School of Astrology (traditional, cosmobiology, horary) and has also studied with Nina Gryphon (Magical elections STA), Meira Epstein (Uranian), Kirah Sutherland (medical) and Amanda Moreno. She is a Quabbalistic Tarot practitioner (OSA) and aromatherapist. Catherine strives to legitimize astrology as an empirical science which can improve our lives through radical self acceptance and learning how to flow with the cosmic river of life.