What is Digital detox
Breathe the ocean, move like the waves, heal and dance yourself back into your center, your essence, intimacy of oneself and another.
We are seeking to create a small, safe, intimate environment which can serve as a vehicle to help you reconnect to the magic of life and another human.
We have lived through isolation, fear and winter. Its time breathe deep, spread our wings, drink Cacao - heart medicine, dance and sing around the fire. Let the ocean wash away all that no longer serves you. Let the fire in you burn and sun hold you to sleep.
Heal and open.
Get ready for the summer by raising body’s subtle awareness. Detox vegan diet, locally grown foods and private body work sessions. Yoga, Meditation, Beach, Surf and more..
You will go home nourished, energized and full of tools (vegan detox diet, selfcare acupressure programs to continue on your own) to pursue the never ending work of cultivating and balancing your Qi (energy), body, mind and spirit as you go back to your daily routine.
It’s time for Daya Beach Retreat!
Here is the plan:
Saturday 26th:
8 - 9am Arrival
9 - 10am Yoga Class
10:30am - Opening circle
11-12pm - Brunch
12pm - 4pm - Beach Time (Acro Yoga, Tarot , Dance of Four Directions
- - -
Shiatsu Private Session Available in that time 12 - 4pm
(reserve space with Julie)
Snack time
5 - 6:30pm Yin/Restorative Session or Meridian Stretch
7pm Dinner
8 -10 Cacao Ceremony - Fire - Kirtan - Guided Dance
Sleep Time
Sunday 27th
5:30am Optional - Sunrise Meditation and a jump into the water - Ocean Medicine
7:30 - 9am - Silent Morning, Pranayama, Yoga
9:30am - Breakfast
10am - Healing Sessions - Self Massage, Abhyanga, Moxa, Cupping - Group Activity On the Mat
11:15am - Closing circle
12pm Back to the Beach. Optional Surf Lessons and Volleyball game.
Bag Pick up 5pm
Hosted By Dayamama - Ania Lesniak & Julie Vincent
Price :
Early Bird $300 (ends on June 5)